
Tom talks with Baltimore Ceasefire co-founders Erricka Brdigeford and Letrice Gant. The group's mission: the cessation of murder in Baltimore City for one weekend every quarter. This past weekend was a Ceasefire weekend. 3 people were shot on Friday night. Two of those victims died. There were no shootings on Saturday. One non-fatal shooting took place yesterday. Since Freddie Gray’s death four years ago, 1,277 people have lost their lives to violence in Baltimore. Since they organized the first ceasefire weekend in August, 2017, Erricka Bridgeford and Letrice Gant have acknowledged many of those victims, their families, and the people who made the decisions to kill them.
Baltimore Ceasefire: Erricka Bridgeford and Letrice Gant Reflect on Mother's Day Ceasefire Event
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